In my years of affiliate marketing I have often been asked whether affiliate marketing is still profitable, especially now that it is now 2019.
And you know, its kinda funny, because when I first started affiliate marketing 15 years ago, I asked the same question.
Granted, it does make sense for people to ask the question given that a lot of time has pasted and virtually every man and his dog has had the opportunity to make money through affiliate marketing.
But, the truth is a lot of people still don’t know that you can make a substantial living from affiliate marketing.
And, if you have already been exposed to the wonderful world of affiliate marketing and having been able to make any money from it then, you’d be forgiven if you think that it is impossible or that the marketplace is overly saturated.
However, what I have found is the total opposite.
A lot of people who get started with affiliate marketing don’t last because there is an expectation that you can create an overnight income or a passive income in a matter of days or weeks and earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a short space of time.
So when that expectation is being meet, then people tend to pack it in and think that affiliate marketing is not for them.
But, I feel, that if the right expectations were set in the very beginning then, you’d probably find more people making money with it.
If someone goes into affiliate marketing with no skills at all and think that all they have to do is press a button and make money, or something they can spend a half and hour everyday on and make money in a couple of weeks, then you’re be one of the 95% of people who fail at affiliate marketing.
However, if you understand that it will take a significant amount of time and effort to start making money then you’d be more inclined to stick at it until you breakthrough.
Some people think that 6 to 12 months is an unreasonable time frame to start making money, but if you did nothing, then you will be in the same position in another 6 to 12 months.
If you actually applied yourself to being successful at affiliate marketing then in the next 6 to 12 month time you will be earn a consistent amount of money.